Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our "Cabin" Adventure!

We just returned from an amazing, relaxing and oh so needed weekend in the mountains! Mark has a great friend that owns a "cabin" (you'll see what I mean) in the Heber mountains and he let us borrow it for the weekend to get out of town. It's UEA weekend for the girls so they did not have school so we left Friday morning and drove to the cabin for the weekend. This is actually the 2nd time we have been here so we knew what to expect this time. As you will see, this is an amazing "Cabin" - they built it a back in the 90's and it is absolutely beautiful. Most of the Fall colors were already gone and leaves had fallen (I'm making sure that we go earlier next year to take in the spectacular colors)! Anyway, we arrived on Friday afternoon and had a great weekend of relaxation, watching movies, taking walks (as much as you can at 9000 feet - HA - a little different on the oxygen intake), playing games and just enjoying being together as a family. Sophie also lost a tooth last night and we were SO LUCKY that the tooth fairy found her - she was so worried about that! Anyway, I took a lot of pictures and hope that you enjoy. Also, yesterday morning there was even a deer right off the deck of our bedroom just hanging out hiding from all the hunters. Anyway, it was a much needed weekend and we all had a great time and it was hard to come home today. The weather was absolutely beautiful as well - in the upper 70's the entire weekend - who would have thought mid-October could be that way.


A day in life of the Pritchetts said...

How fun. I'm glad you guys got to have a last minute getaway before the weather is too cold.

jenjamin said...

oh... ahhh.... FALL! I am missing fall. Looks like you got some r&r. Fun!

1st & 2nd Bear Lake Day Trip 2009

Our Boise Trip Over Thanksgiving

Our Family Pictures