Saturday, December 19, 2009


We finished making decorations for the day and looked outside and the sun was hitting the mountains and dusk was beautiful...OH, how I love it here!!!

Christmas Prep

This year since we moved all of our Christmas decorations, tree, etc are all in storage and we have no idea where so we decided this year that we would get a live tree and then make homemade decorations and have an old fashioned Christmas. It has been fun for the girls and I today to make decorations. It definitely takes longer this way, but is definitely cheaper as well than buying all new decorations. We got the tree last night, beautiful tree from a tree lot and it smells so good - I forgot how the fresh smell of pine is. We did the red and green construction paper chains and worked on that and got those finished and then went to stringing the popcorn...definitely NOT as easy as it looks - LOL. But, we got that all finished and decided that was good for the day. We heard lots of fun Christmas songs on the radio while we worked and decided we would finish the homemade star tree topper and the snowflake decorations tomorrow. SO, here is what we have so far, but I'm proud of us, I think it has been great and definitely a Christmas that the girls will not forget.

Beautiful Snowy Day

Althought it is not is gorgeous outside with all the untouched snow and fog down in the valley and you can barely see the tips of the mountains from afar....I think it's beautiful outside!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snow, Snow and More Snow...

It started snowing yesterday when we woke up and really it has not stopped all weekend. We have accumulated probably a foot of snow and it's beautiful outside right now. The roads are definitely slick and we have decided to just stay put for the most part this weekend. Who knows how much more we'll get as it is still snowing out, but here is what it looks like so far.

Samantha Turns 11

I can not believe that Samantha has now turned 11 years old. She is getting so big, I don't know where the time has gone. We let her have a party this year and had several girls over and let's just say that was an experience in itself - LOL. She had a great time and got some really nice things. We had a project that everyone did when they arrived and they all enjoyed that. They all got to make their own homemade pizza and cupcakes and a good time was had by all!

Family over Thanksgiving

I did not have enough room in my other post so I wanted to post some other pics of me with Mom and my was so good getting to see them and catch up. Also, I got some cute pics of my adorable niece and nephews...I wish we lived closer sometimes.

Thanksgiving 2009

I know Thanksgiving has come and gone, but my computer was down again and I have it back now so I am trying to play catch up with some of my posts and pictures. Thanksgiving brought us good and bad...we went to Boise to spend it with my Mom and sisters and their families and that was awesome. We had a great time, lots of good food and so enjoyed getting to see everyone. Our trip was cut short on late Friday night with our girls getting the puking flu bad and we decided to head home early due to this. The flu bug hung around for another 2-3 days and then all was good. It's so wierd, it seems that every time we go to Boise for a holiday, someone ends up with the puking flu, except for Mom...Overall, the girls had so much fun playing with their cousins and we loved getting to see everyone and spend time together. We also had an early birthday celebration for Samantha who turned 11 on December 3rd. She loved getting to have another celebration.

1st & 2nd Bear Lake Day Trip 2009

Our Boise Trip Over Thanksgiving

Our Family Pictures