Friday, October 3, 2008

Getting Ready for Cooler Weather!

Well Fall is here and I think we have finally had the last of the nice weather or at least HOT weather. Today it is a lot windier and they are expecting it to cool off at least 20-25 degrees in the next 24 hours so Mark and Samantha finished up some things in the chicken coup and getting it more ready for winter and some of the chickens are starting to lay eggs so that is cool and they taste SO much better! Amazing...Sophie is very proud as it has become tradition that she plant watermelons each year and we had initially thought that we were not going to get any, but low and behold, there are several and we picked one today and it is awesome! So sweet and tastes just delicious!!! She has yet another patch that has about 5 or 6 more as well that are not quite done. PAPA WOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOU SOPHIE and so are Mommy and Daddy!!! That was always something special between them and she looked at me today when we picked the watermelon and said she wished Papa could be here to have some with her - brought tears to my eyes!!! We miss you Dad and we'll have a piece for you.

1 comment:

A day in life of the Pritchetts said...

Your watermelons look wonderful, I didn't think you could successfully grow one that big here. It's amazing how everything comes back to your Dad, isn't it.

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