Friday, April 17, 2009


I thought I would update our blog and let everyone know what has been going on with us. We finally moved out of our home almost 2 weeks ago - such a hard day to drive away from our home of over 6 years, but we know it was for the best and we look forward to what our future holds for us. We will miss everyone so much. We then spent the next week in Boise with my family for Easter and then returned to Utah to our "BOX" that we will be living in until the end of April. We have a studio size hotel that Mark, I, both girls and YES, both dogs are staying in until our rental is available May 1st. It has been interesting to say the least, but we are dealing with it and know that this is only temporary! The first day here, we set off the fire alarm in our room as I was cooking sausage for breakfast and I guess you know the rest...thankfully, we did not set off all the fire alarms and water, etc...scared the front desk person though...needless to say, I have not cooked anymore sausage - LOL. SO - we can't wait to move up north and get into our rental and have some normalcy again. The girls are doing great with all the change and are finishing school here through April and then they will finish up the last month at their new school and can't wait to meet new friends that they can spend time with over the summer. Keep our family in your thoughts and prayers and we'll try to keep everyone updated.

1st & 2nd Bear Lake Day Trip 2009

Our Boise Trip Over Thanksgiving

Our Family Pictures