Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Trauma of Having Casts Off!

Well today was the day that Samantha was able to get her casts off. She has been counting down and could not wait and so the big day was today at 11:00. We got to the doctor's office and she was really nervous - we tried to tell her what the process was, but she was working herself up. We finally got called back to do it and the nurse explained what she was going to do and I just knew by the look in Samantha's face that she was gonna give the nurse a run for her money. They began to cut the casts off and I guess that even though the saw does not turn it heats up and although I have never had a broken bone myself, I guess it gets warm inside as they are cutting it. Let's just say that the entire doctor's office had to have heard her screaming while they were being cut off. I felt bad for her and Mark and I did our best to get through it calmly. Anyway, we finally got them off and she is good to go, although they are still sore. The doctor told her to still take it easy for a few more weeks, but at least the casts are off. She is home resting now and does not even want to look at her casts right now - HA. She is our "Drama Queen"!

1 comment:

@mie said...

Congrats Samantha! I hope your arms weren't green like mine were when I got my cast off! =)

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