Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meeting my New Year's Resolution

Well I finally reached my "icing on the cake" and had no more excuses, I just HAD to make exercising part of my daily routine no matter what. SO, starting the first week of January, I went for it and I am so proud of myself...I'm still doing it!!! I've made it 2 weeks straight...that may not seem like a lot, but I'm still doing it. I had a really tough time because prior to going back to work in Fall 2009, I had been walking 3 miles per day 3-4 times per week and was maintaining. Then, I started working 4-10's and that stopped as I was leaving my house at 6:30 in the morning and not getting home until 6:30 or 7:00 at night and there just was not time with the girls and school work, etc AND I found any excuse that was there. I needed something that was time effective that fit into my schedule. I FOUND IT...I heard about Cross Fit and I LOVE covers all my bases..cardio and strength building and toning and it's quick and my schedule, but I had to be committed. I get up at 4:50 in the morning and go to a 5:30 AM class and then drive home, get ready for work and get to work at 7:00 and my workout is done and I go about my day and I feels SO much better. It is kicking my butt and let's just say that I could hardly walk or move my arms the first week, but this 2nd week is better and I'm not as sore and it is becoming part of my routine. I'm doing it 3 days per week through tomorrow and then next week I go to 4 days per week. I'm slowly starting to see results and am so proud of myself for sticking with it!!! I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

Erica said...

You go girl!! I hope you are still sticking with it.

1st & 2nd Bear Lake Day Trip 2009

Our Boise Trip Over Thanksgiving

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