Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another Update on the Move...

Well the past few weeks feel like a blur and it has been so crazy. Mark has been working like a crazy man trying to get as much packed as possible so that if we do sell our house quickly that we won't have much left other than just what we needed in the house and to make it easier on me. So essentially on his own for the most part, he packed a TON of stuff and completely filled a 24 foot truck and packed it one night by himself and then left the next morning at 4:15AM on the wee hours of the 11th to head to Boise with a load and put it in storage. My brother-in-laws were going to come and help him unload that night, but you know Mark, he got there about Noon and worked like a crazy man and had it all unloaded by 3PM. Needless to say, he was extremely exhausted and pushed himself to the max. He is still recuping, but at least we have a load up and in storage now. Our house looks pretty bare, but it will be SO nice once we actually move. He flew home on the 12th and we have been enjoying spending the last few days together before he has to head back to start his job. He leaves on Tuesday the 17th and will start on the 18th. He is going to live with my Mom and then will be commuting back to Logan a couple times a month on the weekends and then home when he can. He is really excited but nervous - it will be a huge transition for him as he has not had to work a 9-5 job in 10 years since Samantha was born can only imagine. We are so thrilled though with the amazing benefits and it has been a blessing. We are still working on selling our house and the girls and I will stick around until we either sell the house or the girls get out of school, whichever comes first. It will be hard, but we'll manage and it will be so worth it in the end. We can hardly wait to be closer to family and see them whenever we want and the girls can hardly wait. So, pray for us that our house will sell and we will be able to move to Boise sooner than later and be all together again!!!


@mie said...

Thanks for the update. We have been trying to figure out what's going on. Corey was going to come over the night the moving truck was out there, but he came home to all of us being sick! =( I am so sorry Mark had to do all that moving on his own!!! =(

A day in life of the Pritchetts said...

I'm glad to hear that he's all settled. I hope your house sells very soon.

jenjamin said...

That is amazing! I am so happy for you. I hope the house sells fast! My sister lives in Boise and they may be moving to SLC.... if that job goes through. Anyway, I am happy for you!

1st & 2nd Bear Lake Day Trip 2009

Our Boise Trip Over Thanksgiving

Our Family Pictures