Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Festival

Tonight, the girls' school, Providence Hall, did their main fundraiser ~ A Fall Festival! It was really a lot of fun. There was a fee that you paid for your entire family and then you could do multiple different activities for free all around the school. They wore their costumes to the event and were able to do goblin golfing, ghost racing, magic show, races on scooters, I Spy around the school, fishing, they got to be mad scientists (they loved this a lot) and make this funky "goo" and then they also had fun face painting and much, much more. It was a lot of fun for them and great to have a fundraiser that they enjoyed so much!!! The girls this year for Halloween decided to be "Wednesday" and "Morticia" from the Adams Family and we were going to just make up the costumes and the girls actually found someone selling these exact costumes so we were set. They had a lot of fun!

1 comment:

A day in life of the Pritchetts said...

They look great, and your yard is fabulous, I thought you must have been at thanksgiving point or something.

1st & 2nd Bear Lake Day Trip 2009

Our Boise Trip Over Thanksgiving

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